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Ecosystem News

Andes Certifies Imperas Models And Simulator As A Reference For Andes RISC-V Cores

Imperas Software Ltd., the leader in virtual platforms and high-performance software simulation, and Andes Technology Corporation, the prominent CPU IP provider, today announced that Andes has certified the Open Virtual Platforms™ (OVP™) instruction-accurate models and virtual platforms of the AndesCore™ N25 and NX25 IP processors. This rigorous certification program by Andes involves simulation and testing to their highest standard of accuracy, using a variety of real-world test cases and proprietary methods. N25 and NX25 are the AndeStar™ V5 32-bit and 64-bit architectures, based on the RISC-V technologies. The certification of Imperas models and platforms helps the Andes ecosystem, developers and users because Imperas models and simulator can be used as a reference of these Andes cores, for developing operating systems and embedded software. Unlike hardware prototyping boards, these virtual platforms are flexible, extensible, easily available, and cost-effective solutions available across development teams. Imperas is the leading commercial provider of RISC-V processor models and virtual prototype solutions, including both Andes N25 32-bit and NX25 64-bit cores, now certified by Andes. All Andes models are available from Imperas and the Open Virtual Platforms (OVP) website. To read more, please visit:]]>