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Imperas And Valtrix Announce Partnership For RISC-V Processor Verification

Imperas Software Ltd., the leader in virtual platforms and high-performance software simulation, today announced the partnership with Valtrix Systems for advanced RISC-V Processor test and validation. STING, the flagship product of Valtrix Systems, is a highly versatile bare-metal software tool for design verification of SoC implementations. Implemented in an architecture agnostic manner, it supports generation of constrained random, directed or graph-based portable stimulus for multiple IPs. Valtrix have integrated STING with riscvOVPsim, the free RISC-V ISS (Instruction Set Simulator) Imperas has launched to support RISC-V software and tools ecosystem development, and to validate and test RISC-V open ISA (Instruction Set Architecture) implementations. With this partnership Valtrix can configure virtual platforms as a verification reference as well as extending the RISC-V envelope model with custom instructions.   To read more, please visit: .  ]]>