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RISC-V Summit Europe 2025 · Paris, France - 12-15 May · Call for Submissions NOW OPEN · SUBMIT NOW

Ecosystem News

OneSpin Joins The RISC-V Foundation

OneSpin® Solutions today joined the RISC-V Foundation, a non-profit corporation controlled by its members to drive a new era of processor innovation via the adoption and implementation of the free and open RISC-V instruction set architecture (ISA). This follows an earlier announcement that OneSpin, provider of certified IC integrity verification solutions for building functionally correct, safe, secure and trusted integrated circuits, released its RISC-V Integrity Verification Solution. The solution enables the RISC-V community’s development and assessment of RISC-V cores, based on the ISA formalized in a set of SystemVerilog Assertions (SVA). Delivered as a series of formal applications (Apps) and integrated into an exhaustive verification framework, the Solution verifies compliance for the open standard RISC-V ISA is met, critical for both IP core suppliers and their customers. It also verifies that cores do not contain hardware Trojans or other unintended functionality to ensure trust and security.   To read more, please visit:]]>