OpenHW Group has already recruited 13 sponsor organizations and expects this to grow to 25 by the end of 2019. OpenHW Group is a member of the RISC-V Foundation of which O’Connor was Executive Director until May this year, and has entered into a strategic partnership with the Eclipse Foundation, a global community for open-source software collaboration and innovation. Inaugural OpenHW sponsors include Alibaba, Bluespec, CMC Microsystems, Embecosm, ETH Zurich (University), GreenWaves, Imperas, Metrics, Mythic AI, NXP, Onespin, Silicon Labs and Thales. The OpenHW Group will serve developers of processor cores and hardware and software engineers who design SoCs. The advent of open ISAs such as RISC-V has encouraged organizations throughout the world to take a fresh look at open-source processor development. For these organizations, the OpenHW Group aims to drive greater awareness, understanding and availability of open-source processor implementations. To read more, please visit:]]>