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DAC 2022 – Is it too risky not to adopt RISC-V? | Brett Cline, Codasip

I was fortunate enough to attend the 59th Design Automation Conference (DAC) in San Francisco last week. Aside from the Covid closure in 2020 I’ve been going to DAC since 1995. Many people, including me, arrived to the San Francisco with a bit of trepidation. After all, 58th DAC had low attendance and it was only ~7 months ago. What was the DAC 2022 conference going to be like? How would Covid affect things? Would international travelers come to San Francisco?

Frankly, I was impressed! Yes, the exhibit hall is smaller than it used to be. Yes, the attendance is not what it was in the 2000’s… and yes, there were times where it was quite slow on the exhibit floor. At the end of the day the many international travellers did show up and the conference and exhibits were quite well attended. At Codasip we met with customers and prospects from all over the world — Korea, Japan, Europe, the US, and more.

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