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6th RISC-V Workshop Registration and Call for Papers

By March 3, 2017No Comments

6th RISC-V Workshop May 8-11, 2017

Workshop Sold Out

[one_third] [/one_third][one_third] RISC-V logo[/one_third] [one_third] [/one_third] [clear]Registration and the call for presentations / posters for the 6th RISC-V Workshop, co-hosted by NVIDIA and the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in Shanghai China on May 8-11, 2017 is now closed and the workshop is sold out.  As with past workshops, our goals for these events are to bring the RISC-V community together to share information about recent activity in the various RISC-V projects underway around the globe, and build consensus on the future evolution of the instruction set.
This will be a four day event broken down as follow:
  • Monday May 8, 2017 – Introduction to RISC-V – this day long session is intended for those who are new to RISC-V and have yet to be exposed to the RISC-V ISA.  The session will consist of presentations from the RISC-V Foundation, some of the original creators of the RISC-V ISA and product presentations from vendors within the RISC-V community.
  • Tuesday and Wednesday May 9-10, 2017 – These two days will follow our traditional two day format with presentations covering various RISC-V projects underway within the RISC-V community and will include a poster / demo reception on Tuesday evening.
  • Thursday May 11, 2017 – The workshop week will conclude with RISC-V Foundation meetings with attendance restricted to members of the RISC-V Foundation.  The day will consist of Technical and Marketing Committee face to face meetings to progress the work currently underway within our various Task Groups.
Each workshop has helped both document the rapidly rising popularity of RISC-V and boosted it further due to the information shared and collaborations formed at the event. Please join us! For attendees travelling from outside the Shanghai area, please be sure to stay at the recommended hotel shown below as we will be providing a shuttle bus service from the hotel to the SJTU campus.
Recommended Hotel: Chateau Star River Shanghai Minhang]]>