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MyNavi Article: RISC-V In Tokyo 2018 – Esperanto Aiming At Servers With RISC-V

By November 1, 2018May 12th, 2021No Comments

At the recent RISC-V Day Tokyo, David Ditzel presented a keynote discussing how emerging AI, ML and DL applications are growing quickly, in turn revolutionizing architectural choices and presenting new opportunities for RISC-V. In his presentation, Ditzel says that RISC-V is ideal for creating new processors for machine learning and explains that Esperanto is developing a machine learning computer system based on RISC-V.
The article mentions that Esperanto has developed a high-end 64-bit RISC-V processor called ET-Maxion and a parallel processor chip with a high throughput of ET-Minion, which will be incorporated in the computing system. The article goes on to explain that the performance of the processor chip is greatly improved alongside RISC-V instructions with tensor calculations and other machine learning extensions.
To read more, please visit: note the article is in Japanese.

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