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EDN China Article: RISC-V Will Help China Occupy The Center Of The SoC Field

By December 27, 2018May 12th, 2021No Comments

While I was preparing for the Zhuhai trip to the 2018 China IC Design Conference (ICCAD 2018), I was just speaking with a friend. She just attended a meeting organized by a “Big Four” accounting firm in Shanghai. She told me that the key benefit she got from the event was a point in the keynote speech – “China is not an emerging market, and China is the biggest market”.
I would like to know if this view also applies to the semiconductor industry.
ICCAD is indeed a large and busy exhibition. One of the most important topics is artificial intelligence and machine learning. The speeches of Cadence, VeriSilicon, Synopsys, Mentor and other companies also talked about this field. The second important topic is RISC-V and the emerging ecosystem, which is not only reflected in the presentation, but more importantly at the exhibition site – a lot of on-site exhibits are now available for commercial use. The RISC-V product, and the ecosystem is moving from theory to practice.
In his speech, SiFive‘s Naveed Sherwani also emphasized my friend’s point of view. He predicted that China will become the center of the SoC field and pointed out that since they recently launched the RISC-V design platform, and they have received a large number of Chinese from the China advisory
RISC-V is also a very hot topic at the UltraSoC booth, and many people are interested in how our neutral technology and product portfolio can be extended to this area and provide unique commercial debugging and full life cycle analysis. In addition, I am very happy to have lunch with several very insightful domestic magazine editors in our industry, during which we discussed the recent success of UltraSoC in the automotive market. UltraSoC Lockstep Monitor for “any processor” lockstep monitor products, and our collaboration with Resiltech; we demonstrated UltraSoC’s solution, based on hardware analysis to drive functional security, at the RISC-V Summit in California from December 3rd to 6th.
To read more, please visit: Please note that the original article is in Chinese.

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