The RISC-V hardware instruction set architecture is unique, in that it’s a modern architecture that’s both open source and useful in the real world. But, it was mostly developed with embedded processing solutions in mind, such as for IoT applications or edge computing. Of course, that doesn’t mean there isn’t any interest in a RISC-V PC, and so this team developed one that can run Fedora Linux with the help of an FPGA for the peripherals.
This project, which AB Open was able to build thanks to the work of SiFive, Microsemi, Fedora, Debian, and Western Digital, was quite the undertaking. That’s a lot of development from a number of corporations, but all of that expertise was necessary to make the pieces work together. RISC-V processors don’t have the benefit of an established desktop architecture, so getting one to work with standard desktop peripherals and components, like USB HID devices and hard drives, was a major challenge.
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