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Sensors Online Article: Dev Board Supports PolarFire FPGAs

Microsemi and Future Electronics announce availability of the Avalanche board featuring a Microsemi PolarFire non-volatile field programmable gate array (FPGA). As the lowest cost entry development board available today for designing with Microsemi’s lowest power, cost-optimized mid-range PolarFire FPGAs, Future’s Avalanche board lowers the barrier to entry for PolarFire FPGAs and helps expand Microsemi’s market opportunities for the device. The Avalanche development board includes a RISC-V-based soft central processing unit (CPU) pre-programmed to the kit, offering a RISC-V-based board for low cost broad market applications utilizing RISC-V open instruction set architectures (ISAs) at mid-range densities.  To read more, please visit:]]>