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RISC-V Summit Europe 2025 · Paris, France - 12-15 May · Learn More

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EE Journal Article: RISC-V Aims for World Domination

IEEE-CNSV (IEEE Consultants’ Network of Silicon Valley). Meanwhile, I find that I’m sitting across the banquet table at Santa Clara’s China Stix Restaurant from Stan Mazor, who worked with Ted Hoff at Intel to define the ISA for the Intel 4004—the world’s first commercial microprocessor. You probably could not have a more appropriate dinner companion for a comprehensive talk about computer architecture. Spoiler alert: Patterson’s version of the future for ISAs looks a lot like the future of the RISC-V ISA and processor architecture. No small surprise. Patterson is Vice-Chairman of the RISC-V foundation, and the RISC-V architecture grew out of Patterson’s work at UC Berkeley nearly a decade ago. To read more, please visit:]]>