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Esperanto Technologies Blog Post: See Esperanto At The RISC-V Summit In Silicon Valley December 2018

By September 23, 2018No Comments

Esperanto, which is sponsoring the inaugural RISC-V Summit, will deliver a processor technology paper, and invites you to “Join the RISC-V Revolution!” to be part of the disruptive force transforming the microprocessor IP market through open standard collaboration.

Presentation: The Esperanto ET-Maxion™ High Performance Out-of-Order RISC-V Processor

  • Authors: Polychronis Xekalakis and Chris Celio, CPU Architects at Esperanto Technologies.

  • This talk presents an update on ET-Maxion, a high frequency out-of-order RISC-V core which is being designed for TSMC’s 7nm process. It describes the key micro-architectural features that allow ET-Maxion to achieve performance levels comparable to existing commercial high-end processors, and discusses design choices, including shielding against timing attacks such as Spectre and Meltdown, with negligible performance sacrifices. Experiences in implementing the RISC-V compressed instructions (RVC) and the weak consistency model (RV-WMO) in a superscalar out-of-order core, along with design challenges, are shared. Finally, a brief overview of support for post-silicon debug and planned performance monitoring improvements for ET-Maxion.

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