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Gadgets Now Article: IIT-Madras Develops India's First Microprocessor Shakti

Indian Institute of Technology-Madras (IIT-Madras) have designed and booted up India’s first microprocessor, Shakti, which could be used in mobile computing and other devices. According to IIT-Madras, the Shakti microprocessor can be used in low-power wireless systems and networking systems besides reducing reliance on imported microprocessors in communication and defense sectors. The microprocessor can be used by others as it is on par with international standards, researchers said. The Shakti family of processors was fabricated at Semi-Conductor Laboratory (SCL), Indian Space Research Organizations (ISRO) in Chandigarh. According to IIT-Madras, it was the first ‘RISC V Microprocessor’ to be completely designed and made in India.   To read more, please visit:
