Tools & IP IAR Systems added support for the Arm Cortex-A5 CPU to its IAR Embedded Workbench. Additionally, the embedded development toolchain’s C/C++ compiler and debugger are now available to users of Arm’s DesignStart program. IAR is also working with Andes on a toolchain for the company’s RISC-V-based cores. Deals The Linux Foundation is backing the RISC-V Foundation with a joint collaboration agreement aimed at accelerating open source development and adoption of the RISC-V ISA. The Linux Foundation will provide resources such as training programs, infrastructure tools, community outreach, marketing and legal expertise. Events RISC-V Summit: Dec. 3-6 in Santa Clara, CA. The first annual conference and exhibition dedicated to the RSIC-V ISA ecosystem. Training sessions, workshops, and presentations will be available, followed by a day for Foundation members. To read more, please visit:]]>