Express Logic,, Ashling, IAR Systems, and Segger, the OpenISA VEGAboard is powered by an NXP Semiconductors RV32M1 chip which combines Arm Cortex-M0 and Cortex-M4 CPUs with RI5CY and Zero-RI5CY cores on a single board. The design also includes an on-board radio with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), generic frequency-shift keying (FSK), and IEEE 802.15.4 support, operating in the 2.36-2.48 GHz range. To encourage RISC-V adoption, OpenISA has announced that it is to give away a limited number of boards free of charge – though, at present, the offer is restricted to the US. Full details, and a link to order a board, can be found on the official website, while documentation and a software development kit is available on GitHub. To read more, please visit:]]>