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Ecosystem News

Bluespec To Co-Host SiFive Technical Symposium

By February 21, 2019No Comments

Bluespec is pleased to announce it will be co-hosting the Boston RISC-V Technical Symposium, an opportunity to engage with the RISC-V community that is revolutionizing processor innovation through open source collaboration. The event, occurring February 28 in Boston, is a great opportunity for attendees to explore the global phenomenon of RISC-V and the countless creative solutions it is spurring. It is one of the 50+ trailblazing RISC-V symposiums being held around the globe this year, seeking to advance a stronger education for RISC-V ISA. Bluespec will be presenting the symposium in partnership with SiFive, the company founded by the inventors of the RISC-V architecture. The event will kick off at 8:00 am at the Boston Burlington Marriott located at 1 Burlington Mall Road in Burlington, MA. Attendance is free and lunch will be included. Interested attendees can register for the event here. The following is the complete agenda for the event.   To read more, please visit:]]>