UltraSoC architecture is capable of monitoring effectively unlimited numbers of the internal building blocks that make up the most complex SoC products – and to analyze the impact on system-level behavior of the interactions between them. Such heterogeneous multicore chips are becoming increasingly common, particularly in enabling the artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies required in leading edge applications such as driverless cars. “Esperanto’s mission is to enable the most energy-efficient high-performance computing systems for artificial intelligence, machine learning and other emerging applications,” says Dave Ditzel founder and CEO of Esperanto, “that requires us to put over a thousand RISC-V processors and AI/ML accelerators on a single chip; UltraSoC’s ability to match that level of scaling with monitoring, analytics and debug capabilities is a vital enabler for our business.” To read more, please visit: https://www.electronicsweekly.com/news/business/ultrasoc-adds-features-chip-analytics-2019-02/.]]>