Western Digital entered into a new strategic partnership with PlatformIO Labs in collaboration with SiFive on June 18th (US time) to extend and add new tools to the vendor-independent embedded development platform PlatformIO and to provide an end-to-end open environment for innovations such as RISC-V development. Western Digital also announced enhancements to key features of the open source proprietary RISC-V core SweRV RISC-V Core and cache coherent fabric OmniXtend. Western Digital claims that its strategic partnership with PlatformIO Labs will allow the company to fully introduce its multi-architecture embedded design environment from debug to trace into the open source community. Specifically, software programmers involved in architecture development such as RISC-V will be able to take advantage of PlatformIO Plus, which includes the PIO Plus Unified Debugger and PIO Uniting Testing Engine tools that PlatformIO had previously provided for a fee. To read more, please visit: https://news.mynavi.jp/article/20190621-846998/. Please note that the original article is in Japanese.]]>