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PolarFire SoC Icicle Kit with Antmicro’s HDMI board

The PolarFire SoC from our partner Microchip is the first mass-market Linux-capable implementation of RISC-V and the early access release of the Icicle development kit is huge news in the RISC-V world. Although this exciting 4+1 core FPGA SoC is becoming physically available only now, we have been collaborating with Microchip (then Microsemi) around this FPGA SoC since as early as 2017, enabling support for it in our Renode simulation platform. It is all the more exciting to see it in real life, booting Linux and flashing LEDs on our desk. The physical availability of this inexpensive ($499) devkit is a huge step forward in enabling the development of advanced devices for our customers, with some projects around this promising platform (like an HDMI breakout board) already underway at Antmicro. Article:]]>