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2nd National RISC-V Student Contest 2021-2022 Sponsored by Thales, the GDR SOC2 and the CNFM | Thales

You are students and like new challenges.
You are interested in electronics and computer architectures and want to
participate in the design of a renowned OpenHW processor core.

Then join this contest and win up to € 5,000!

Thales is a world leader for mission critical information systems for the security, defense, space, aerospace and ground
transportation domains. It employs 81,000 people in 68 countries. Following the success of the 1st national RISCV student
contest (20202021), Thales Research & Technology France, together with the GDR SOC² and the CNFM, are proud to
announce the coorganization of the 2nd edition of the contest (20212022). This new contest will focus on the power
optimisation of the CV32A6 RISCV softcore.

RISCV is a recent open ISA that is gaining every day more attraction. From this ISA, ETH Zürich has designed a midrange
opensource application core named ARIANE. It has the capacity to execute rich operating systems and integrates an
MMU function and several privilege levels. In 2019, the OpenHW Group was created with the ambition to design
industrialgrade RISCV processors. It has integrated the ARIANE core as its new 64bit application core under the name
CV64A6. Thales engineers have created a more compact 32bit version from the original design, named CV32A6. CV32A6
and CV64A6 share the same source code and are together referred to as CVA6.

Read the full contest details.