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Meet Snitch: the Small and Agile RISC-V Processor | Michelle Hampson, IEEE Spectrum

Tests suggest it is six times faster than other comparable processors.

As society’s insatiable demand for computing power continues to grow, so too does the need for more efficient processors. A group of researchers in Switzerland has devised a new processor design that may help meet our computational-intensive needs. It is physically small and computationally agile—and aptly named Snitch. (Harry Potter fans will get the reference.)

Florian Zaruba, a postdoc at the Integrated Systems Laboratory at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zürich—and a researcher involved in the creation of Snitch—notes that there’s a trend with commercial, general-purpose cores, which are relying on larger and more energy-hungry processors. “Snitch is the opposite,” he says.

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