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The 5th AI Edge Contest (Implementation Contest 3) Vehicle Driving Image Recognition using RISC-V | Signate

With the progress of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, social implementation such as image recognition using AI technology, automatic driving, and natural language processing is rapidly progressing. Especially in the edge computing field, since it is necessary to realize AI technology with higher efficiency, startups mainly in the United States and China and major vendors are accelerating their entry into AI hardware, and even in Japan Not only that, there is an urgent need to develop human resources and industries for hardware to accelerate AI processing such as LSI and FPGA.

Against this background, we will carry out this contest, in addition to the conventional AI technology development centered on software, we are aiming to develop human resources and startups with AI hardware in mind, as well as industry development utilizing these technologies. In this contest, we will develop AI hardware equipped with the “RISC-V” chip, which is currently attracting attention, and set the hardware system development that considers edge computing including hardware and software (network model and system optimization) as an issue.

Read the full contest details.