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SEGGER releases new Embedded Studio for RISC-V with hard real-time C++ support | SEGGER, Electronic Engineering Journal

SEGGER’s Embedded Studio for RISC-V, Version 6, now uses real-time memory management which improves efficiency and response time when allocating and freeing up memory, satisfying requirements for hard real-time in applications written in C++. The new version supports all common RISC-V 32-bit and 64-bit cores, including but not limited to RV64I, RV64E, RV64GC, RV32I, RV32IMA, RV32IMAC, RV32IMAF, RV32IMAFC, RV32G, RV32GC, RV32E, RV32EMA, RV32EMAC.

“C++ applications require a lot of memory allocation and deallocation behind the scenes, often without the programmer being aware of it”, says Rolf Segger, founder of SEGGER. “C++ applications especially see an enormous benefit from our new real-time heap manager. Embedded Studio is the first toolchain that I know of that guarantees fast, constant-time heap operations. These responses are extremely fast, bringing true real-time to embedded systems programmed in C++.”

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