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SiFive RISC-V cores picked for Google AI compute nodes | Dan Robinson, The Register

By September 23, 2022No Comments

Cor, that’s a shot in the arm for this upstart CPU ISA

RISC-V chip biz SiFive says its processors are being used to manage AI workloads to some degree in Google datacenters.

According to SiFive, the processor in question is its Intelligence X280, a multi-core RISC-V design with vector extensions, optimized for AI/ML applications in the datacenter. When combined with the matrix multiplication units (MXU) lifted from Google’s Tensor Processing Units (TPUs), this is claimed to deliver greater flexibility for programming machine-learning workloads.

Essentially, the X280’s general-purpose RV64 cores in the processor run code that manages the device, and feeds machine-learning calculations into Google’s MXUs as required to complete jobs. The X280 also includes its own vector math unit that can handle operations the accelerator units can’t.

Read the full article.