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LIVE WEBINAR: Accelerating Compute-Bound Algorithms with Andes Custom Extensions (ACE) and Flex Logix Embedded FPGA Array

RISC-V have great adoption and momentum. One of the key benefits of RISC-V is the ability for SoC designers to extend its instruction sets to accelerate specific algorithms. Andes’ ACE (Andes Custom Extensions) allow customers to quickly create, prototype, validate and ultimately implement custom memories, dedicated ports to accelerators and memories.  Andes automates many of these tasks with its COPILOT (Custom-OPtimized Instruction deveLOpment Tools).  COPILOT is an all-in-one design tool to implement custom extensions and instructions in easy to use simple language, automatically enables simulations with these extensions and finally, creating self-verification methodology to ensure the extensions are operating correctly.

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