RISC stands for reduced instruction set computer, and V points to its fifth release in 2015. RISC-V is the new processor architecture to watch out for. Arm-based processors, which stayed among the most popular ones in recent years, may capture a significant share of the semiconductor market, and this is why.
Arm and RISC-V are a type of processor architecture. Another well-known processor architecture type is x86.
Arm and RISC-V chips are used by various industries, from tablets to servers, but initially, they targeted the embedded market. Their design specifics allow them to offer sufficient performance while keeping power consumption low.
RISC-V is a novel open source instruction set architecture (ISA) based on the reduced instruction set computer (RISC) model. The project started at the University of California, Berkeley and was taken over by the RISC-V Foundation in 2015.