Individual Membership in RISC-V is for individuals who are not associated with a current member organization.
As an Individual member, you CANNOT:
- Leverage the RISC-V name, branding, or marks for commercial purposes.
- Use your RISC-V membership, branding, or name in your outbound communications, website, social networks, etc.
- Lead a work group, committee, or special interest group.
- Participate in the Visibility benefits such as blogs or social posts RISC-V networks.
As an Individual member, you CAN:
- Have continuous, uninterrupted access to the working groups on the working groups portal.
- Participate in committees and working groups.
- For all membership benefits, see the membership page.
Reminder: Individual members do NOT pay a fee to join RISC-V International
If your organization is already a member, please contact us to get added to the member portal
Are you a candidate for Individual Membership?
✔ I do RISC-V related work, but my organization does not.
✔ My RISC-V related work is separate from my day-job.
✔ I want to access the latest RISC-V developments, technical discussions, and resources to stay ahead in the field, even if my organization is not directly involved.