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EE Journal Article: GreenWaves Puts Another Spin On IoT Chips

By February 28, 2018May 12th, 2021No Comments

Five bucks and nine processor cores. That’s the takeaway from GreenWaves’ new GAP8 processor chip. The chip is low power consumption, measured in nanoamps, has parallel-programming tools, convolutional neural net (CNN) acceleration and an Arduino-esque development board.
GreenWaves is a 16-person startup with headquarters outside scenic Grenoble, France. Their first (and so far, only) product is GAP8, a microcontroller intended to bring CNN smarts to cheap, battery-powered IoT edge devices. The chip combines some familiar open-source hardware with some unfamiliar, proprietary circuitry to create something the company thinks will be smarter and more power-efficient than anything the world’s many and varied Arm licensees can conjure up.
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