On June 30, computer instruction set architecture (ISA) RISC-V’s official tech promotion RISC-V Foundation had its only 2018 conference for Mainland China at Fudan University, Shanghai. Exclusive for professionals and high-level investors, the foundation’s conference showed some of the latest ISA technologies including the world’s smallest drone developed by European scientists.
Not long after the conference, RISC-V technology received official government support. The Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information released a government notice to formally announce the support of RISC-V related integrated circuit and digital information manufacturing parties.
The commercial cross-border VC WI Harper and tech promotion community RISC-V Foundation, meanwhile, are giving opportunities back to young talents, to sustain the supply of innovation. Dr. Lee said the majority of staff in the projects are from science labs, including a few students in the early stages of scientific research.
Organizers of the RISC-V event provided financial support to students who were interested in ISA topics. The event also featured undergraduate student Wan Ruigang who started designing CPU in high school to give a speech at the conference which was dominated by famous researchers.
To read more, please visit: https://technode.com/2018/08/07/lack-of-support-for-young-researchers-is-holding-back-chinas-innovation/