The RISC-V Foundation has set up a China Advisory Committee to accelerate the RISC-V ecosystem in China. Chairman of the Committee is Dr Jesse Zhixi Fang, CEO of Tangram Technologies and a former Intel vp who launched Intel Labs China.
Fang will work with local stakeholders and recruit contributors within the RISC-V community in China to participate in the Committee.
“Over the past few years, China has significantly expanded its semiconductor industry in tandem with the ‘Made in China 2025’ initiative,” says Fang, “many organizations are taking advantage of the free and open RISC-V ISA to reach new levels of innovation and bolster China’s semiconductor market amid global competition. I look forward to working closely with local companies, individual contributors and other stakeholders to build on this incredible momentum and help bring together this open, collaborative community of software and hardware innovators powering a new level of processor innovation leveraging the RISC-V ecosystem.”
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