With the increase of high integration programmable chips, FPGAs are getting more and more popular. FPGAs has been traditionally known to be generally complex, but a new line of FPGAs have been showing some promise and that will help increase their popularity. Tiny FPGAs are the next promising thing, they are low-cost FPGA boards in a small form factor, and are generally easy to use.
MCCI Corporation a USB System expert who has also been venturing in the line of IoT solutions has recently tipped a Catena 4710 FPGA board which is a “feather-compatible FPGA board” that can easily fit into your pocket and comes with a RISC-V core with support for Lora Networks.
To read more, please visit: http://www.electronics-lab.com/catena-4710-lorawan-based-feather-compatible-fpga-board-risc-v-core/.