At this point, the EU’s effort to develop indigenous supercomputing technology is centered on the European Processor Initiative (EPI), which is tasked to develop implementation of a general-purpose CPU, an accelerator, and special-purpose processors for Europe’s upcoming exascale systems. The initial design work for these chips, based on Arm and RISC-V, is already well underway.
Whether the experimental platform will incorporate some of this EPI work is unknown, but it’s hard to imagine where else it would come from. The only problem with this is that the Arm and RISC-V prototype chips currently under development aren’t scheduled to be ready until 2021, so the best that could be expected for in the 2020 timeframe would be prototypes of prototypes. Alternatively, the experimental platform could be tacked onto the system at a later date, after the Arm and RISC-V work is further along.
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