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Can China Spawn Open Source Hardware Innovations Like Arduino and RISC-V? | Gu Zhengshu, EETimes China

By February 15, 2020April 28th, 2021No Comments

Arduino, known for its open source microcontroller development board, released its latest development board for industrial IoT applications, Portenta H7, at CES this year. It uses MKR form factors, supports WiFi and Bluetooth wireless connections, and is equipped with a USB-C peripheral interface. . The core processor is STM32H747 from ST. This dual-core microprocessor integrates a Cortex-M7 core operating at 480MHz and a Cortex-M4 core operating at 240MHz. Based on the Arm Pelion IoT technology, Arduino Portenta H7 has high performance, low power consumption and wide temperature range. It costs only $ 100, making it particularly suitable for machine learning / AI, motor control, human-computer interaction, computer vision, IoT Emerging applications such as gateways and edge computing. In terms of software, it can support Linux, Mbed OS, and other embedded real-time operating systems, as well as languages and standard libraries such as TensorFlow Lite, JavaScript, Python, MicroPython, and Arduino.
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