ARLINGTON, Va. – Cobham Advanced Electronic Solutions (CAES), a leading provider of mission critical electronic solutions, announced at the RISC-V Summit the availability of Wind River’s real-time operating system VxWorks for the NOEL-V processor IP core from its design center, Cobham Gaisler. For more than 15 years, the partnership has provided customers with VxWorks for the fault tolerant LEON3FT and LEON4FT processor families and other space-grade microprocessors. Wind River recently introduced RISC-V support in Simics and VxWorks, for which the NOEL-V BSP has been developed. Now, Wind River and CAES can strengthen the partnership to include RISC-V and NOEL-V. “RISC-V brings the dynamism of open architecture development to hardware. By working together with Cobham Gaisler to deliver VxWorks support, we are further contributing to the growth of the collaborative RISC-V ecosystem and community,” said Devon Yablonski, Senior Director, Aerospace and Defense Solutions, Wind River. Read the full article[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]]]>