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GOTHENBURG, Sweden, 7 December 2020  RISC-V international members SYSGO and Cobham Gaisler, the design center of Cobham Advanced Electronic Solutions (CAES), have announced their collaboration to deliver SYSGO’s hypervisor-based real-time operating system, PikeOS, ported onto Cobham Gaisler’s IP cores NOEL-V and LEON. The porting of PikeOS will provide Cobham Gaisler’s customers with a robust and proven real-time operating system for certifiable applications in avionics, railway, automotive, (industrial) internet of things, and medical. SYSGO is working with Cobham Gaisler’s debug monitor GRMON, so embedded developers can build and debug target applications on the real hardware. It supports LEON2, LEON3, LEON4, LEON5 and NOEL-V processors; LEON is based on the SPARC-v8 architecture, and NOEL-V is an implementation of the open Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) RISC-V.   Read the full article[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]]]>