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GNOME, Wireshark update in Tumbleweed | Douglas DeMaio, OpenSuse

Since last Friday, five openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshots have been released.

GNOME 40, btrfs, Mesa, Wireshark and several other package updates landed this week in the rolling release.

The last snapshot posted to the openSUSE-Factory mailing list was 20210721. The snapshot contained updates for both GNOME 40 and the userspace utility to manage the btrfs file system; the btrfsprogs 5.13 package improved documentation, made some fixes and added preparations for the 5.14 Linux Kernel. GNOME 40 on the other hand had a slew of updates that focused on updating translations and bug fixing. A regression was fixed in the 40.3 gnome-maps package and the 40.3 gnome-software package fixed a crash that sometimes happened when clicking on a website button on a details page. Another crash that was fixed in gnome-terminal 3.40.3 affected the loading of the reference schema source, which failed. The 4.4.14 autoyast2 package now copies files to a correct location based on details listed at bsc#1188357. The text-sharpening package known as harfbuzz updated to version 2.8.2 and made various fixes and improvements to the subsetter. Other notable packages to update in the snapshot were yast2-users 4.4.4, text rendering package pango 1.48.7, system call tracer strace 5.13 and many others.

Read the full blog post.