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Intel backs RISC-V for Nios FPGA processor | Nick Flaherty, EE News Europe

By October 6, 2021October 19th, 2021No Comments

Intel’s Nios V soft processor for its FPGAs uses the RISC-V: RV32IA architecture with atomic extensions, 5-stage pipeline and AXI4 interfaces.

Intel has developed a soft IP microcontroller core for its FPGAs using the oipen source RISV-V instruction set. The Nios V processor is the next generation of soft processor for Intel’s Cycline, Stratix and Aria FPGAs based on the open-source RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture. This processor is available in the Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition Software starting with version 21.3. This follows the 32bit Nios II, launched over a decade ago by Altera in Quartus 8.

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