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HiSilicon Hi3731V110 32-bit RISC-V processor is made for Full HD televisions | Jean-Luc Aufranc, CNX Software

By December 11, 2021No Comments

We’ve previously covered Hisilicon Hi3861V100 32-bit RISC-V microcontroller, but HiSilicon Hi3731V110 32-bit RISC-V processor designed for Full HD televisions, the company has gone up the scale with its RISC-V offerings.

The processor is equipped with an M-LVDS interface for TCON panels, CVBS output, YPbPr, VGA, and multiple HDMI 1.4 video inputs. The processor also comes with a 1080p30 VPU supporting H.265, H.264, MPEG4, MPEG2, and other codecs.

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