It comes integrated with SEGGER emRun C/C++ runtime and emFloat floating-point libraries, the SEGGER Linker, and the SEGGER Compiler, which together generate compact and highly efficient code. For maximum flexibility and compatibility, the GNU compiler and linker are also included.
Embedded Studio’s built-in debugger natively supports J-Link and a full-fledged simulator, ideal for automated testing. With its integration of the GDB remote protocol Embedded Studio enables the use of 3rd-party debug probes.
“64-bit embedded systems are gaining popularity with faster chips and bigger applications,” says Ivo Geilenbruegge, Managing Director of SEGGER. “As the Embedded Experts, we are at the cutting edge of new technology. As a long-standing member of the RISC-V foundation, we are committed to broad RISC-V support, from small 32-bit through high-end 64-bit cores, from simple debug to flash programming and real-time trace. One IDE fits all.”
As the debug probe of choice for Embedded Studio users, J-Link supports all standard 32- and 64-bit RISC-V cores including non-intrusive background, system-bus memory access as well as Real-Time Transfer (RTT).