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First RISC-V processor starts operation in orbit | Nick Flaherty, EE News Europe

The first RISC-V processor is space has started operation in a European nanosat.

The Trisat-R nanosat developed by the University of Maribor in Slovenia uses a fault tolerant NOEL-V RISC-V processor developed by Cobham Advanced Engineering Solutions (CAES) and implemented in an FPGA. The nanosat was developed in cooperation with CERN and Slovenian company SkyLabs which developed the NANOhpm computer board, and is in medium earth orbit (MEO) to measure ionizing radiation.

Additional experiments on-board the TRISAT-R developed by ESA and SkyLabs are demonstrating Radiation Hardened by Design mitigation techniques for protection of high-performance and high-density electronic components targeting the development of AI chips in space applications.

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