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A Growing Ecosystem for Intel Pathfinder for RISC-V | Intel Pathfinder for RISC-V, EE Times India

By December 15, 2022No Comments

Intel Pathfinder for RISC-V has launched an exciting array of new features as well as continues to grow a healthy ecosystem around the initiative. Designed for SOC architects and system software developers, Intel Pathfinder for RISC-V is a pre-silicon development environment that supports IP selection via testing for compatibility and performance, as well as early-stage software development using FPGA and simulator platforms.

The new features include the unification of the Starter and Professional Editions to ease user transitions, Static Kernel Debug for users wanting to debug the Linux kernel, multi-core support via SMP Linux, a new FMC add-on board that will be available next quarter, which will enable new I/O interfaces and simplify connectivity, and a new Cyclone 10 GX development board that will be supported in the first quarter next year, to enable lower cost and additional flexibility.

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