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Proceedings & Reports

2nd RISC-V Workshop Proceedings

By July 29, 2015No Comments

June 29-30, 2015 The International House, Berkeley, CA


The goals of this workshop are for the community to share information about recent activity in the various RISC-V projects underway around the globe, and to build consensus on future steps in the RISC-V project, including the RISC-V foundation. This workshop features talks and poster presentations conveying recent activity in the RISC-V community at large, collected during an open submission period.


Monday, June 29, 2015

Time Event Speaker (Affiliation) Media
8:00am Breakfast
9:00am Introductions and Welcome Krste Asanović (UC Berkeley) Slides | Video
10:00am An update on lowRISC: an open-source RISC-V SoC platform Alex Bradbury and Robert Mullins (lowRISC) Slides | Video
10:15am SHAKTI Processors (invited, speakers unable to attend) Rahul Bodduna, Sireesh N, G S Madhusudan and Kamakoti Veezhinathan (IIT Madras) N/A
10:30am Break
11:00am Compressed Extension Proposal David Patterson (UC Berkeley) Slides | Video
11:15am GoblinCore64: A RISC-V Extension for Data Intensive Computing John Leidel, Xi Wang, and Yong Chen (Texas Tech University) Slides | Video
11:30am Vector Extension Proposal Krste Asanović (UC Berkeley) Slides | Video
12:00pm Privileged Architecture Proposal Andrew Waterman (UC Berkeley) Slides | Video
12:30pm Lunch
2:00pm RapidIO: the Unified Fabric for Performance-Critical Computing Rick O’Connor (RapidIO Association) Slides | Video
2:30pm CAVA: Cluster in a Rack Peter Hsu (Oracle) Slides | Video
3:00pm Breakout Sessions/Labs/Birds of a Feather
4:45pm Break
5:00pm Poster Previews Video
6:00pm Buffet Dinner/Reception
7:00pm Poster Session and Demos

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Time Event Speaker (Affiliation) Media
8:00am Breakfast
9:00am Z-scale: Tiny 32-bit RISC-V Systems Yunsup Lee (UC Berkeley) Slides | Video
9:30am BOOM: Berkeley Out-of-order-Machine Chris Celio (UC Berkeley) Slides | Video
10:00am FabScalar-RISC-V Rangeen Basu Roy Chowdhury, Anil Kumar Kannepalli and Eric Rotenberg (NCSU) Slides | Video
10:30am Break/Photo Photo
11:00am RISC-V(img/workshop-jun2015-group.jpgerification) Nirav Dave and Prashanth Mundkur (SRI International) Slides | Video
11:30am Aristotle – A Logically Determined (Clockless) RISC-V RV32I Matthew Kim and Karl Fant (RMIT University) Slides | Video
11:45am Towards General-Purpose Tagged Memory Wei Song, Alex Bradbury and Robert Mullins (lowRISC, University of Cambridge) Slides | Video
12:00pm Raven3: 28nm RISC-V Vector Processor with On-Chip DC/DC Convertors Brian Zimmer and Yunsup Lee (UC Berkeley) Slides | Video
12:15pm Evaluating RISC-V Cores for PULP: An Open Parallel Ultra-Low-Power Platform Sven Stucki, Antonio Pullini, Michael Gautschi, Frank Kagan Gürkaynak, Andrea Marongiu, Igor Loi, Davide Rossi and Luca Benini (ETH Zurich, University of Bologna) Slides | Video
12:30pm Lunch
2:00pm Feedback Session
3:15pm Breakout Sessions/Labs
5:00pm End of Workshop


Participants are responsible for making their own travel and hotel arrangements. The links below provide information on directions, parking and nearby accommodations. If you have any questions, feel free to send an email to Nearest Airports: Oakland International Airport and San Francisco International Airport. Nearby Hotels (with walking directions to I-House): Directions, Parking, and Public Transportation): Campus Map (with I-House location):]]>