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Linux Foundation and RISC-V International launch free RISC-V training classes | Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, ZDNet

RISC-V, the emerging open-source instruction set processor architecture, is growing up. Sure, most of the attention has come from hardware hackers playing on RISC-V processors on development boards from companies such as SiFiveSparkFun, and BeagleBoard. There’s even a BBC Doctor Who-branded RISC-V mini-computer for kids. But, according to RISC-V CTO Mark Himelstein, RISC-V processors have already found a home in data centers and Alibaba cloud servers. So, it’s high time for classes on how to use this new open-source hardware architecture.

Thus, The Linux Foundation, the non-profit organization enabling innovation with open source, and RISC-V International, the non-profit corporation behind the RISC-V instruction set architecture (ISA), have released two new free online training courses to help you get started with the RISC-V ISA. The courses are available on

With the recent rise of interest and deployment of RISC-V cores, systems-on-chips (SoCs), developer boards, and software and tools, there’s a real need to empower individuals to implement and use RISC-V. In order to help meet that demand, these free online courses are designed to significantly reduce the barrier to learning RISC-V skills.

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