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RISC-V Summit Europe 2025 · Paris, France - 12-15 May · Call for Submissions NOW OPEN · SUBMIT NOW

We are happy to announce our involvement in ‘Very Efficient Deep Learning in IoT’ (VEDLIoT) – a project funded by the European Commission and coordinated by Bielefeld University’s CoR-Lab, launched at the end of 2020. Comprising a 12-member international research group, VEDLIoT aims to develop a next-generation software/hardware platform for the Internet of Things. Antmicro’s contributions, among other things, will be to leverage its leading position in RISC-V, machine learning and simulation, developing open source RISC-V-based soft SoC infrastructure for the project and providing a Renode simulation environment for testing the platform’s security and robustness.

The project, which is still open to contributors, has received an 8 million EUR grant from the EU’s Horizon 2020 funding programme for research and innovation and is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2023.


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