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RISC-V International is a non-profit organization supporting the open RISC instruction set architecture standard and extensions. We enable open community collaboration, technology advancements in the RISC-V ecosystem, and visibility of RISC-V successes.

Benefits of Membership

  • Accelerate technical traction and insight through direct engagement with industry thought leaders
  • Contribute technical priorities, approaches, and code to infuse and influence RISC-V deliverables through engagement in RISC-V committees and groups.
  • Gain strategic and technical advantage with early insight and access to technical deliverables.
  • Increase visibility, leadership, and market insight as RISC-V amplifies member progress on our website and social channels.
  • Retain, attract, and increase engineering skills through RISC-V training, mentorships, and our job board.
  • Build your partner network, supply chain, and customer pipeline.
  • Engage and lead local and industry developer networks through meet-ups, advocacy, and the RISC-V Ambassador program.
  • Showcase RISC-V products, services, training, and resources on the RISC-V exchange (organization members).

Join at a membership level that fits your goals

Academic / Nonprofit / Individual

Community membership is free to academic and nonprofit entities, as well as individuals

Governance and Influence

Community members elect 2 Directors to the Board of Directors and 1 Delegate on the Technical Steering Committee.
Engage in 70+ technical and community committees and workgroups. Entities are eligible to lead committees/workgroups.

Visibility and Eminence

Platform for blog posting. Entity logo on RISC-V website. RISC-V social media amplification.
Event sponsorship discounts and invitation to call for speakers.

Build Talent

30% Discount on paid training
Recruiting on the RISC-V Jobs Board


Strategic Membership

Strategic members are organizations that are commercializing RISC-V and have an invested perspective in RISC-V technical direction.

 Everything included in Academic/Non-Profit, plus

Governance and Influence

Strategic (and Premier TSC) members elect 3 Directors to the Board of Directors and elect 2 Delegates on the Technical Steering Committee

Visibility and Eminence

Convey commercial solutions on RISC-V Exchange and company on RISC-V Ecosystem Landscape. Opportunity to engage in webinars and white papers.
Use RISC-V Trademark for Commercialization
Earn Commercial use of “RISC-V CompatibleTM“ designation on implementations.

Build Talent

10 Training coupons provided annually, in addition to 30% Discount on paid training

See Strategic Pricing Scale

Premier Membership

Premier is the highest tier of membership for organizations contributing heavily to adoption and governance of RISC-V International. 

 Everything included in Strategic, plus

Governance and Influence

Premier Board members name 1 Director to the Board of Directors, provide expanded leadership through Delegates on Board Committees, and participate in Board offsite strategy day(s).
Premier members also name 1 Delegate on the Technical Steering Committee and engage in executive check-ins with RISC-V International leadership teams

Visibility and Eminence

Enjoy most prominent placement in displays of membership including website, ecosystem landscape, Exchange, and marketing materials. Highlight of industry traction in presentations.
Promoted for press and analyst opportunities; thought leadership pieces

Built Talent

 30 Training coupons provided annually, in addition to 30% Discount on paid training

See Premier Pricing

Premier  $250,000 (USD) for seats on both the Board + TSC
$100,000 (USD) for seat on the TSC
Strategic $35,000 (USD) 5,000+ employees
$15,000 (USD) 500 – 4,999
$5,000 (USD) Up To 499
Strategic Startup $2,000 (USD) <10 employees & company is <2 years old
Community Organization $0 (USD) Academic/Nonprofit Entities
Community Individual $0 (USD) Individuals. Individual members may not use the RISC-V trademark for commercial purposes. Individual members do RISC-V related work but their organization does not or their work is separate from their day-job and they want to contribute to RISC-V technologies. See additional limitations and join here.
Join as an OrganizationJoin as an Individual

RISC-V International Association Documents

The following documents are referenced in the RISC-V Membership application:

Advocating for RISC-V. Looking for a helpful presentation you can use to build support for joining RISC-V International? View the overview deck

Engage. Once you’re fully onboard, be sure to check out for a list of resources to help get you started

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