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Follow the Leader – Synopsys Provides Broad Support for Processor Ecosystems

By June 20, 2024No Comments

Synopsys has expanded its ARC processor portfolio to include a family of RISC-V processors. This was originally reported on SemiWiki last October. There is also a recent in-depth article on the make-up of the ARC-V family on SemiWiki here. This is important and impactful news; I encourage you to read these articles if you haven’t done so already. What I want to cover in this post is a broader perspective on what Synopsys is doing to provide holistic support for the entire processor ecosystem. I’ve always felt that the market leader should be expanding the market, creating new opportunities for not just itself, but for its current and future customers as well as the entire ecosystem at large. This is such a story. Follow the leader to see how Synopsys provides broad support for processor ecosystems.

Read the full article.

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