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Sipeed Univels the Lichee Book 4A, a Notebook for the “RISC-V Explorer”

By June 19, 2024June 25th, 2024No Comments

Sipeed has announced a new entry in its Lichee RISC-V family, this time putting its high-performance Lichee 4A RISC-V system-on-module into a full-size laptop chassis: the Lichee Book 4A.

“Lichee Book 4A is a high-performance RISC-V lightweight laptop developed by Sipeed,” the company writes of its latest launch, “designed to allow RISC-V developers to experience the application of RISC-V products in real life ahead of time. The software support for Lichee Book 4A is also quite comprehensive, with Debian as the default operating system, supporting Chrome browser, VSCode IDE, KiCAD PCB drawing software, Office software, 4K player, various game emulators, meeting the needs of daily work and study.”

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