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Privileged Specification Version 1.12 Now Open to Public Review

By September 27, 2021No Comments

We are delighted to announce that several specifications have been opened to public review. All of these specifications add functionality to the RISC-V Privileged Specification.

Several important extensions are being reviewed including Version 1.0 of the Hypervisor (H) model, Enhance Physical Memory Protection (ePMP), and several virtual memory specifications.

With 10 privileged specifications in total, we have broken this public review up into pieces for two reasons. First, we’d like to ensure that each specification receives a focused and thorough review. Second, if any of these specifications require rework before ratification, we do not want that to hold up any of the others.

As a reminder, the public review period is 45 days. Depending on the specification, comments are either accepted on the mailing list, or possibly also in the GitHub repository for the given specification. See the public review emails for each specification for more information. The public review period for these specifications ends Sunday October 31, 2021. You can find the review thread for each specification on our ISA Development public mailing list:

We’d like to thank all the Task Group and Committee chairs and their members for all their hard work and dedication to writing and reviewing these specifications.