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EPI EPAC1.0 RISC-V Test Chip Samples Delivered | European Processor Initiative

By September 26, 2021September 28th, 2021No Comments

Another step closer to demonstrate the capabilities of a RISC-V based European microprocessor.

The European Processor Initiative (EPI), a project with 28 partners from 10 European countries, with the goal of making EU achieve independence in HPC chip technologies and HPC infrastructure, is proud to announce that EPAC1.0 RISC-V Test Chip samples were delivered to EPI and initial tests of their operation were successful.

One key segment of EPI activities is to develop and demonstrate fully European-grown processor IPs based on the RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture, providing power-efficient and high-throughput accelerator cores named EPAC (European Processor Accelerators).

Read the full announcement. 

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