RISC-V Workshop in Barcelona Proceedings
7-10 May, 2018

Co-hosted By

Co-sponsored By

- Monday, May 7, 2018 – A half-day of tutorials from the working groups of the RISC-V technical committee. The sessions covered topics such as base ISA ratification, BitManip, compliance, debug, formal spec, memory model, opcode space management, privilege spec, security, software toolchain and vector extensions.
- Tuesday and Wednesday, May 8-9, 2018 – Two full days of presentations on RISC-V architecture, commercial and open-source implementations, software and silicon, vectors and security, applications and accelerators, simulation infrastructure and more.
- Thursday, May 10, 2018 – The event will conclude with RISC-V Foundation meetings, restricted to members of the RISC-V Foundation. The day will consist of Technical and Marketing Committee face-to-face meetings to progress the work currently underway within our various Task Groups.
Check out the slides and videos from each of the sessions below.Monday, 7 May, 2018 RISC-V Workshop Tutorial Day
| VideoTime | Event | Speaker, Affiliation | |
12:30pm | Registration | ||
1:00pm | RISC-V ISA & Foundation Overview | Rick O’Connor, RISC-V Foundation | Slides | Video |
1:15pm | BASE ISA | Andrew Waterman, SiFive | Slides | Video |
1:50pm | Privileged ISA | Allen Baum, Esperanto Technologies | Slides | Video |
2:25pm | Memory Model | Daniel Lustig, NVIDIA | Slides | Video |
3:00pm | Networking Break | ||
3:20pm | Vector ISA | Roger Espasa, Esperanto Technologies | Slides | Video |
3:55pm | Debug Specification | Gajinder Panesar, UltraSoC | Slides | Video |
4:30pm | Formal Specification | Thomas Bourgeat, MIT | Slides | Video |
5:05pm | LLVM for RISCV | Alex Bradbury, lowRISC | Slides | Video |
Tuesday, 8 May, 2018 RISC-V Workshop Day 1
Time | Event | Speaker, Affiliation | |
8:00am | Registration and Networking Breakfast | ||
8:45am | Welcome Address & Foundation Overview | Rick O’Connor, RISC-V Foundation | Slides | Video |
9:00am | State of the Union: RISC-V | Krste Asanovic, SiFive | Slides | Video |
9:25am | The State of RISC-V Software | Palmer Dabbelt, SiFive and Arun Thomas, Draper Laboratory | Slides | Video |
9:55am | Vector ISA Proposal Update | Roger Espasa, Esperanto Technologies | Slides | Video |
10:25am | The RISC-V Formal Specification Technical Group: Progress Report | Rishiyur Nikhil, Bluespec | Slides | Video |
10:40am | RISC-V Memory Consistency Model Task Group Update | Daniel Lustig, NVIDIA | Slides | Video |
11:55am | Networking Break | ||
Keynotes | |||
11:20am | Software Drives Hardware, lessons learned and future directions | Robert Oshana, NXP | Slides | Video |
11:50pm | Unleashing the Power of Data with RISC-V | Martin Fink, Western Digital | Slides | Video |
12:15pm | Networking Lunch | ||
1:30pm | RISC-V Debugging: Custom ISA Extensions, Multicore, DTM Variants | Markus Goehrle, Lauterbach Engineering GmbH | Slides | Video |
1:45pm | GDB for RISC-V: Extending Support for Bare Metal Multi-core Debugging | Jeremy Bennett, Embecosm | Slides | Video |
2:00pm | A Common Software Development Environment for Many-core RISC-V based Hardware and Virtual Platforms | Gajinder Panesar, UltraSoC and Simon Davidmann, Imperas | Slides | Video |
2:15pm | HiFive Unleashed: World’s First Multi-Core RISC-V Linux Dev Board | Yunsup Lee, SiFive | Slides | Video |
2:30pm | HiFive Unleashed Expansion Options and Capabilities | Ted Marena, Microsemi | Slides | Video |
2:45pm | Simulating Heterogeneous Multi-node 32-bit and 64-bit RISC-V Systems Running Linux and Zephyr with the Open Source Renode Framework | Michael Gielda, Antmicro | Slides | Video |
3:00pm | Networking Break | ||
3:25pm | Debian GNU/Linux Port for RISC-V 64-bit | Manuel Fernandez Montecelo, Debian Community | Slides | Video |
3:55pm | Fedora on RISC-V | Richard Jones, Red Hat and David Abdurachmanov, Independent | Slides | Video |
4:10pm | Smallest RISC-V Device for Next-Generation Edge Computing | Seiji Munetoh, IBM | Slides | Video |
4:25pm | Video: The MareNostrum | Slides | Video | |
4:30pm | Poster / Demo Previews | Slides | Video | |
6:00pm | Networking Reception, Posters Sessions and Demos | Slides |
Wednesday, 9 May, 2018 RISC-V Workshop Day 2
Time | Event | Speaker, Affiliation | |
8:00am | Registration & Networking Breakfast | ||
8:45am | Fast Interrupts for RISC-V | Krste Asanovic, SiFive | Slides | Video |
9:15am | RISC-V DSP (P) Extension Proposal | Chuan-Hua Chang, Andes Technology Corporation and Richard Herveille, RoaLogic BV | Slides | Video |
9:30am | RISC-V ISA Cryptographic Extensions Proposal Summary | Richard Newell, Microsemi | Slides | Video |
9:45am | Formal Assurance for RISC-V Implementations | Daniel Zimmerman, Galois and Joseph Kiniry, Galois | Slides | Video |
10:15am | Networking Break | ||
10:45am | Undefined, Unspecified, Non-deterministic, and Implementation Defined Behavior in Verifiable Specifications | Clifford Wolf, Symbiotic EDA | Slides | Video |
11:00am | Foundational HPC Systems for 2020 and Beyond | Steven Wallach, Micron Technology | Slides | Video |
11:15am | Keynote: European Processor Initiative & RISC-V | Mateo Valero, Barcelona Supercomputing Center | Slides | Video |
11:45pm | Networking Lunch | ||
1:00pm | Securing High-performance RISC-V Processors from Time Speculation | Christopher Celio, Esperanto Technologies and Jose Renau, Esperanto Technologies | Slides | Video |
1:15pm | Use of RISC-V on Pixel Visual Core | Matt Cockrell, Google | Slides | Video |
1:30pm | Linux-Ready RV-GC AndesCore with Architecture Extensions | Charlie Su, Andes Technology Corporation | Slides | Video |
1:45pm | Processor Trace in a Holistic World | Gajinder Panesar, UltraSoC | Slides | Video |
2:00pm | RISC-V Meets 22FDX: an Open Source Ultra-low Power Microcontroller Platform for Advanced FDSOI Technologies | Pasquale Schiavone, ETH Zurich and Sanjay Charagulla, GlobalFoundries | Slides | Video |
2:15pm | Ariane: An Open-Source 64-bit RISC-V Application Class Processor and latest Improvements | Florian Zaruba, ETH Zurich and Luca Benini, ETH Zurich | Slides | Video |
2:45pm | Networking Break | ||
3:15pm | RISC-V Support for Persistent Memory Systems | Matheus Ogleari, Western Digital Corporation | Slides | Video |
3:30pm | The Hybrid Threading Processor for Sparse Data Kernels | Tony Brewer, Micron Technology | Slides | Video |
3:45pm | How PULP-based Platforms are Helping Security Research | Frank Gürkaynak, ETH Zurich | Slides | Video |
4:00pm | RISC-V Virtual Platforms for Early RISC-V Embedded Software Development | Kevin McDermott and Lee Moore, Imperas and Hugh O’Keeffe, Ashling | Slides | Video |
4:15pm | RISC-V Workshop Barcelona Conclusion | Rick O’Connor, RISC-V Foundation | Video |